Monday, November 25, 2013

Month One

One month check up today ...
Weight 9lbs 6 oz 
Length 21.5 

So, how can this be that my little booger butt is one month old!  The time has gone by so quickly. 

You are an amazing baby. I am thankful for you everyday. I still can't believe we made you and carried you in my belly for almost 42 weeks. Everyday your dad and I talked about what kind of man you would be, what color eyes would you have, what color hair would you have and what would you decide to be when you grow up. We now know the answers to a few of those questions. You have beautiful blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. We can't wait to see how much more we learn about you! 

The first week adjusting to life at home with you was hard. Feeding you was a job in itself and hormones were all over the place. Once everything got adjusted we were golden. Your daddy was amazing while Mommy was recovering and taking it easy while I breast feed you. He was great at learning how to take care of you. You have been such a good baby. Your first week we had to wake you to eat . Silly parents never wake a sleeping baby! Now you go 5-7 hours without waking up. Mommy and Daddy are so grateful for the sleep. You are such a content baby. You can play by yourself or snuggle with whoever is holding you. You eat like a wild man every two hours throughout the day. You love to lay on someone chest on your belly and lift your head up. You love music and car rides. 

I can't wait to see you grow up and getting bigger to learn all the fun things about you. You are my whole world and I can't even imagine life without you! You are my everything and I love you more than you know! 

Your first day

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