Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas wrap up

Well its Thursday only one more day till the weekend. I can't wait! Hopefully this weekend we can go purchase a new mattress. I know not to exciting but much needed. I still have Christmas presents and boxes to put away and recycle. How come it is so easy to chill and do nothing but so hard to get motivated to do what you need to do?

Our Christmas was great. We started our family festivities on Dec. 23rd at Nick's Dads house. We had pulled chicken and it was great. We opened presents and played some games. It was a great visit and a great time! I even got the Victoria Secret pink pullover I have been wanting! Then Christmas Eve we headed to church with my family and then to Aunt Karen's for dinner and family fun = lots of drinks.
Had a great time with family. Then late that evening we headed to my mother in laws to open presents with his mom and sister. What a great Christmas already and its not even over. Christmas morning I woke up early to drive to my mom and dads so us siblings could open presents with my parents. Opening in the morning from younger to oldest is our tradition and I love every minute of it.
Then I headed to my mother in laws for early lunch and to hang out with Papa and Karin. At about 330 after eating, games, and more eating we headed to my parents again for more food.

I swear I will go to the gym today!

Today I am trying to find the strength to clean/ organize the house before our New Years Eve party but sitting on the couch in my pj's sounds so much better.

Hope everyone has a terrific Thursday?


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