Monday, December 31, 2012

The last day of 2012

Well I really love the snow and I am so glad to see it but I have plans tonight that could be ruined with you sticking around.. SNOW go away come again another day.

This weekend has been a nice relaxing weekend. I picked up my husband from work and we headed to breakfast to start our day. Then we headed to the grocery store. YIPEE! $250 later and we have food for the next month. We wanted to buy or mattress but couldn't decide on what to get. Any ideas?

This is what I made for dinner. It turned out delicious! Thank you Pinterest.

I had a wedding on Friday and had to go solo but all m family was there. It was so nice after 10 years of marriage they were able to get married in the church. So cute!

I might have spent part of our night trying to fix my blog and have  a few drinks while the hub touched up so paint I had been begging him to do. Sounds fair right?

We ended our weekend with movie and red lobster. We went and saw this is 40 and it was pretty good I would recommend it. Red Lobster is always delicious. I had crab legs! Well I had it all lol. 

Hope everyone has a great New Years Eve!

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