Thursday, July 30, 2015

Things I'm looking forward to

As the summer comes to a fast haunt with school starting I can't help but think of a few things I'm looking forward to. 

Getting my hair done is just one thing that always makes you feel good. My hair is finally at a length that is manageable for the big hair that I have. Keeping it longer weighs it down keeping it from being so big and frizzy. 

I'm pretty sure right now getting a nice manicure before school starts just sounds like a great idea! 

Looking at other vehicles. Well really we are just looking but sometimes even just looking can be stressful. We aren't in a big hurry but it's always nice to have options. 

We have an IKEA going up in STL that's so close that I can go everyday! It should be done in a few months but I can't wait to go in one! Hopefully we will sell our house soon and I can buy all new things! 

Last but not least I can't wait till fall! Although, fall has Sa whole new meaning when your baby is born in the fall. I need time to slow down! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I can't believe in just three short months we will have a 2 year old! 
How can that be? It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home. I can't believe how much he has grown and what he has learned. 
Although, right now he throws fits or tantrums which aren't my favorite but he is the coolest! He amazes me everyday and I am so lucky to be his Mommy.  
William is calling all family by their names and lives to go through all the names. 
He loves food and Aqua as he calls it! He loves to be outside and loves to be in the water. He loves to stack things, play with cars and loves anything that makes noise.
William you are the happiest baby. We love watching you grow and learn! You are such a good eater and love to sleep. For you I am so grateful for! Your dad and I love you forever! 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Approaching the end of summer

Wah wah wah... I have to show up in the classroom a week from today. I'm not ready to leave my sweet little family. I feel like we had a great summer but I still feel like there is so much I still want to do. 
This year I start a new chapter at work. I am excited to be teaching a full day preschool program. I don't know what I'm going to do with only 20 instead of 40 children this year. This will be my 7 year teaching and I'm pretty sure I love it more and more each year! 
Change was hard for me. I really needed a change of scenery but was nervous to get out of my comfort zone. Now that I have made the decision I am anxious to see what this year has in store for me. 
Leaving these two is going to be hard again but we will adjust. I know God has a plan for us and everything will work out the way he wants it to. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weekend wrap up

Friday was grocery shopping day in our household. We were gone all week and had no food! We lead an exciting life :) 

Saturday we had swim lessons. He has improved so much and loves it! 

Then we had my nephews first birthday. It was outside and it was so HOT! It was superhero themed and William was batman! 
Can't believe this little cutie is 1 
Then after the birthday party we had my Uncles 75th birthday party. He was so shocked! 
Sunday was spent cleaning and getting the house ready to sell. We had a great dinner and meet Grandma and Grandpa for ice cream.
Then we enjoyed a family walk. Great ending to our weekend. 

Camping 2015

This last week we had been camping on the black river. It was a much needed break from reality and much needed relaxation. 
We stayed with my in laws and we had a great time! We were so grateful to spend time with them and enjoyed watching them play with William. 
We tried the rafting in chairs but William wasn't a huge fan. When we got back we enjoyed delicious food drinks and a campfire. 
We had rain all day Tuesday so we took a drive.
Eating at Buffalo Wild Wings
The last day we did rafting all five of us on one raft! William loved to walk around and loved dipping his head in the water! We had a great time and can't wait t go back.