Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the joys of the new year

So I have been pretty motivated to go to the gym lately but its not only for my resolution but for my health and for me! I would also like to someday have some babies and maybe losing a few lbs would help that.

I came home yesterday after work and knew if I didn't change right now and head to the gym I wouldn't go. So.... I said hi to the husband and changed clothes asked him if he wanted to go and he said NO. I went by myself. GO ME!!!!

I go around 430 pm and by five it is so crowded right now. I would love to not have to leave my husband for an hour or so in the evening but I also don't want to get up at 5.  He hates to go when I go because he uses more weights then me and they are usually taken so he goes during the day while I am at work.  Anyone else have this problem? I like my sleep.

I usually do the treadmill or the bike for cardio. Would love to be a runner or at least a jogger but since October when I was in the hospital I can only do so much.

What kind of exercises do you enjoy?


  1. Good for you! I made some resolutions this year to get in better shape and it's definitely not easy. I think the key is to have small victories like this one you just described! Have a great weekend :)
